Passive 12
Passive 12
Passive 12
Passive 12

L5 112 X

Passive 12" multipurpose

Artno: 440891

6 299 kr. (inkl. moms)



This 12″/1″ model is housed in a multipurpose enclosure tuned to deliver the highest sound pressure levels (135 dB SPL peak). A switchable filter configures it for use as a top unit (adding long range capability) in systems with the Linear SUB 2000. The L5 112 X also makes an excellent monitor with a plenty of gain before feedback. Its rotatable 60° x 40° CD horn provides the right coverage pattern for each scenario.

- Color : Black

- Cutaway : Yes

- Dimensions (mm) : 370 x 670 x 300

- Finishing : Black

- Power : 500 W

- Speaker diameter : 12"

- Tweeter : 1"

- Weight (kg) : 19,50 kg

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